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Christophe Deschamps

Enterprise Web 2.0: Building the Next-Generation Workplace - the Driving Force behind J... - 0 views

  • Building on the somewhat vague and yet particular usage of the term 'Web 2.0', 'Enterprise Web 2.0' describes a fresh, and some would say new, approach to the design and provision of business applications that incorporates aspects such as social networking, collaboration, and real-time communication. In addition, Enterprise Web 2.0 focuses a great deal of attention on the user's 'experience' or 'joy of use' -- something of a novelty in enterprise IT these days. By comparison, when Butler Group talks about 'Enterprise 2.0', we are focusing on the composition and architecture of the IT ecosystem, and the associated business models that will support Enterprise Web 2.0 applications.
  • Enterprise Web 2.0 is very much concerned with the user experience of corporate systems and applications, and on extracting business value from the social contributions and interactions of the organisation's various stakeholders.
  • The management of customer relationships continues to remain pivotal for most organisations, and so the social aspects of Web 2.0 are mirrored in the corporate world of Enterprise Web 2.0
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  • Workforce mobility and changing communication patterns are two more trends that are driving change at the infrastructure layer, and so unified communication and collaboration requirements form an important part of Enterprise 2.0 strategy.
  • Enterprise Web 2.0 might be about putting the user (i.e. employee, customer, or stakeholder) first, but in order to do so it also requires supporting technology. And so at the IT infrastructure level, Enterprise 2.0 means Internet Protocol (IP) everywhere -- voice, video, and data. Enterprise 2.0 also means, 'open' standards rather than proprietary or 'closed' systems. Furthermore, Enterprise 2.0 technology means user-driven technology and not IT-driven technology.
  • Having accepted the fact that 'processes' means 'people', then we have to look for ways in which these people (i.e. processes) can self-organise and reference one another. Then, where possible, we need to somehow incapsulate the processes into a set of business services. One day (we might call it Web 3.0), Artificial Intelligence (AI) will enable organisations to do with computers that which they do via human beings today, but until that day arrives, organisations must do more to aid interdepartment and inter-company collaboration. Workflow has not yet figured largely in the consumer-oriented world of Web 2.0, but Butler Group sees this as pivotal when considering Enterprise Web 2.0.
  • Today applications that embody processes are built by IT professionals, but tomorrow they will be built by a new breed of power user, using mashup builders, software agents, and other Web 2.0 technologies.
  • Business and IT managers must therefore prepare themselves for the new generation of power user who will be creating mashups and situational applications that have a far broader impact than the typical spreadsheet macro of yesteryear, and that if organisations are to avoid a proliferation of unmanageable, siloed, micro-applications, then they must blend the power of personal productivity with an appropriate management layer and a degree of central oversight.
  • Web 2.0 is no longer PC-centric.
  • It is clearly a mistake to think that Web 2.0 is all about technology, and likewise Enterprise Web 2.0, but it is also a mistake to dismiss the technology altogether. Therefore, selecting and implementing enterprise social software solutions, next-generation collaboration solutions, and Rich Internet Applications requires careful thought, consideration, and planning.
  • The driving force behind just about every aspect of Enterprise Web 2.0, is of course, the user -- something that has not always ranked highly on the list of priorities for corporate IT mangers -- and so the challenge for all forward-looking organisations is to refocus on this aspect of their IT strategies.
    Nouvelle étude de Research & Markets. Pas mal d'infos dans cette synthèse. User-centric
Christophe Deschamps

How companies are benefiting from web 2.0: McKinsey Global Survey Results - 0 views

  • 69 percent of respondents report that their companies have gained measurable business benefits, including more innovative products and services, more effective marketing, better access to knowledge, lower cost of doing business, and higher revenues. Companies that made greater use of the technologies, the results show, report even greater benefits.
  • We found that successful companies not only tightly integrate Web 2.0 technologies with the work flows of their employees but also create a “networked company,” linking themselves with customers and suppliers through the use of Web 2.0 tools. Despite the current recession, respondents overwhelmingly say that they will continue to invest in Web 2.0.
  • When we asked respondents about the business benefits their companies have gained as a result of using Web 2.0 technologies, they most often report greater ability to share ideas; improved access to knowledge experts; and reduced costs of communications, travel, and operations. Many respondents also say Web 2.0 tools have decreased the time to market for products and have had the effect of improving employee satisfaction.
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  • Respondents also say they have been able to burnish their innovation skills, perhaps because their companies and customers jointly shape and cocreate products using Web 2.0 connections.
  • The median level of gains derived from internal Web 2.0 use ranged from a 10 percent improvement in operational costs to a 30 percent increase in the speed at which employees are able to tap outside experts.
  • Web 2.0 delivers benefits by multiplying the opportunities for collaboration and by allowing knowledge to spread more effectively. These benefits can accrue through companies’ use of automatic information feeds such as RSS2 or microblogs, of which Twitter is the most popular manifestation. Although many companies use a mix of tools, the survey shows that among all respondents deriving benefits, the more heavily used technologies are blogs, wikis, and podcasts—the same tools that are popular among consumers
  • Similarly, among those capturing benefits in their dealings with suppliers and partners, the tools of choice again are blogs, social networks, and video sharing. While respondents tell us that tapping expert knowledge from outside is their top priority, few report deploying prediction markets to harvest collective insights from these external networks.
  • Comparing respondents’ industries, those at high-technology companies are most likely to report measurable benefits from Web 2.0 across the board, followed by those at companies offering business, legal, and professional services
  • These survey results indicate that a different type of company may be emerging—one that makes intensive use of interactive technologies. This networked organization is characterized both by the internal integration of Web tools among employees, as well as use of the technologies to strengthen company ties with external stakeholders—customers and business partners.
  • As such, companies reporting business benefits also report high levels of Web 2.0 integration into employee workflows. They most often deploy three or more Web tools, and usage is high throughout these organizations
  • Respondents reporting measurable benefits say their companies, on average, have Web 2.0 interactions with 35 percent of their customers. These companies forged similar Web ties to 48 percent of their suppliers, partners, and outside experts. An organizational structure that’s more porous and networked may make companies more resilient and adaptive, sharpening their ability to access knowledge and thus innovate more effectively.
  • The survey results confirm that successful adoption requires that the use of these tools be integrated into the flow of users’ work (Exhibit 5). Furthermore, encouraging continuing use requires approaches other than the traditional financial or performance incentives deployed as motivational tools.
  • They also say role modeling—active Web use by executives—has been important for encouraging adoption internally.
    • Christophe Deschamps
      Cf le président de Cisco
    L'entreprise 2.0 n'est pas qu'un concept et cette étude menée sur 1700 dirigeants le prouve.
Yan Thoinet

Bloc Note de Bertrand DUPERRIN » Comment passer votre entreprise au 2.0 - 0 views

  • S’il s’agit juste d’adopter des outils 2.0 en interne je suis 100% d’accord avec Euan. Laissons faire…Il est évident qu’aucune entreprise ne pouvant tolérer de laisser rentrer de nouveaux outils, cela doit se faire à la marge de l’organisation dont on espère bien que l’inertie empêche un éventuel contre-feux en attendant que s’installent des pratiques que personne ne remettre alors en cause
  • ce qui caractérise l’adoption d’outils 2.0 n’est pas l’outil en soi mais la manière dont en s’en sert. Il ne s’agit pas là d’installer à la sauvette un navigateur web autre que le navigateur officiel certifié par la DSI de l’entreprise
  • Oui. A moins que… A moins que l’entreprise ne décide elle même que l’adoption de nouveaux modes d’interactions interpersonnels ne soit nécessaire à sa compétitivité dans le monde d’aujourd’hui. Et la seule manière de rendre ces pratiques effectives dans l’entreprise déconcontrée est de rendre ces pratiques effectives sur le seul lieu de rencontre et d’échange commun à tous les membres de l’entreprise : l’intranet.
    • Yan Thoinet
      Ca tombe bien ; )
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  • Les outils seraient donc, à ce moment, le support d’une politique d’entreprise et ils y trouveraient de suite leur place par le besoin même de l’organisation.
  • Stratégie 2.0 implique ==> Management 2.0, Outils 2.0, marketing 2.0, recrutement 2.0, Rh 2.0 afin de construire ==> Entreprise 2.0.
  • Le projet entreprise 2.0 doit donc être un projet d’entreprise.
Christophe Deschamps

SÉCURITÉ : Les entreprises ne s'y retrouvent plus face au Web 2.0 - 0 views

  • Selon l'étude, 95 % des responsables informatiques autorisent actuellement les employés à accéder à certains sites du Web 2.0, une liberté logique, dans la mesure où 62 % des sondés estiment que le Web 2.0 est indispensable à l'activité de leur entreprise.
  • Mais la liberté accordée semble insuffisante : 86 % des responsables interrogés déclarent être sous pression, notamment de la part des cadres dirigeants et des services marketing et commerciaux, pour "autoriser un accès élargi" au Web 2.0, souvent très bridé.
  • Paradoxalement, les sites les plus souvent autorisés sont aussi ceux qui sont, dans d'autres entreprises, le plus souvent bloqués : les webmails (type Hotmail, Gmail, Yahoo Mail, etc.), les portails Web comme iGoogle, les wikis (pages collaboratives, comme Wikipedia) et, évidemment, les réseaux sociaux, dont Facebook,
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  • 47 % des responsables interrogés admettent que les employés essaient de contourner la politique de sécurité Web des entreprises.
  • Facebook est, par exemple, un vecteur de codes malicieux, qui se propagent via les applications, des extensions du site créées par tout un chacun, et auxquelles les utilisateurs doivent donner un accès complet à leur profil pour profiter de nouvelles fonctions alléchantes (préparer des sondages pour ses amis, savoir qui a écrit quoi sur quelqu'un, etc.).
  • 80 % des responsables informatiques se déclarent confiants pour la sécurité de leur entreprise. Mais Websense, qui travaille dans le secteur, affirme : "Les chiffres montrent qu'elles (les entreprises, NDLR) ne sont pas bien équipées pour se protéger contre les menaces du Web 2.0." Paradoxalement, lorsque les questions du sondage se font plus précises, seules 9 % des entreprises reconnaissent avoir déployé des moyens de sécurité couvrant tous les vecteurs de menaces : rien à voir avec la confiance affichée au début.
  • L'étude montre une méconnaissance du Web 2.0 et des nouveaux usages d'Internet en général, de la part des entreprises. Peut-être ont-elles besoin de temps pour s'adapter, mais, au vu des menaces, la prise de conscience risque d'être plutôt brutale.
    via @aponcier Une étude qui montre bien la nécessité d'avancer dans le dialogue sur ce thème.
Yan Thoinet

Entreprise et marketing 2.0 état des lieux entre le Quebec et la France (part... - 0 views

  • Entreprise et marketing 2.0 état des lieux entre le Quebec et la France
  • le marketing 2.0 est un marketing du pull, c'est à dire qui attire le public à soi, adossé à une humanisation du produit et du service par l'établissement d'une conversation
  • Encore faut-il que les entreprises aient cet état d'esprit, d'être par exemple, dans une attitude d'écoute et de conversation
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  • Une question essentielle pour la réussite des déploiements des Intranet et applications 2.0
  • une fonction en soi qui participe à l'essor de l'ensemble des fonctions
  • monoculture de l'informatique propriétaire
Frank Hamm

Enterprise 2.0 SUMMIT on 10 - 12 November, 2009 - 2 views

    "The Enterprise 2.0 SUMMIT is organized by Kongress Media and was first been held at CeBIT 2008. The event is about how corporations have to change to be more productive as well as innovative and competitive for their markets by the use of social software. With the presentation of European and international best-practices coupled with a gathering of the international expert's community the Enterprise 2.0 SUMMIT is helping participants in gaining new ideas and inspiration for their projects as well as learning about the real-life opportunities and challenges. The upcoming conference is held on November 11 & 12th, 2009 in Frankfurt with additional pre-conference seminars on November 10th." With Lee Bryant, Markus Bentele, Betrand Duperrin, Craig Hepburn, Dion Hinchcliffe, Oliver Marks, Mark Masterson, Frank Schönefeld, Simon Wardley, Gil Yehuda and others With best practises from * CSC * Dassault Systems * Deutsche Bundeswehr * ISO * Lago * National Suisse * Otto Group * SUN Microsystems * Westaflex
Christophe Deschamps

Social media case study by Cisco - Media Culpa - 0 views

    Le marketing 2.0 selon Cisco
Christophe Deschamps

Beyond Enterprise 2.0 ROI, evaluation and management of knowledge in the workplace - 0 views

  • It is common knowledge that “what you can’t measure, you can’t manage”. And because knowledge is intangible by nature, it is not measurable and therefore not manageable.  This argument is seated in a fundamental law of Science. Consequently, the only way to move forward is to rematerialise knowledge, which we do by transforming knowledge into information or data.
  • Social computing helps transform tacit knowledge into formal transferable knowledge. This is why social software fundamentally complements existing organisational information architecture, as well as provides a constructive replacement for email, which is often considered a silo because of its overtly individualistic nature.
  • Today, ROI is the iconic, easy-to-catch and use wording for a much significant concern: evaluation. ROI is one tiny piece of a real big puzzle. ROI is an indicative ratio commonly used to anticipate the financial impact of decisions. It is a simplistic rendering of a very complex set of parameters.
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  • * New metrics. Because we deal with different stuff, we need to invent metrics that are relevant to what we are trying to follow and drive. For social software, one can start with the usual web and online community metrics. Some new initiatives, such as Me-trics, open doors to more in-depth analytics that are worth considering (with a barrage of ethical considerations however).
  • In fact, calculating the ROI on social software is complicated to the point that economically it is unrealistic to do so. Instead of an estimation a posteriori a pilot phase, ROI as it is commonly referenced in the “Enterprise 2.0″ scene is pure guess and absolute non-sense in most cases.
  • Why Balanced Score Cards? For four reasons: 1. Kaplan & Norton have escaped the collusion of measurement and quantity. Measurement is not necessarily quantitative. That is a common source of confusion and of inefficiencies in numerous parts of human activity (to name a few: reporting (exhaustiveness), research (methodology), education (elite creation via selection on maths)). Measurement can be qualitative (see  Georgescu Roegen work if you’re curious). It is no surprise if numerous initiatives in intellectual capital used Balanced Score Cards 2. Balanced Score Cards are notably visual, which is not so with quantitative ratios.  That visual characteristic invites greater meaning and relevance. 3. Balanced Score Cards are heterogeneous and are therefore a more natural receptacle for a) qualitative and quantitative analytics and b) can encompass a variety of topics. In this regard, one can build official reporting encompassing both physical and knowledge activities. 4. Balanced Score Cards are aggregative so that one can build reports from various levels in the organisations. Coupled with its heterogeneous nature (previous point), one can build reports for HR, Marketing, Finance, … under the same format and surface analytics at one or many levels. The result is that some knowledge related metrics can climb the hierarchy up to the summit.
Eric Salviac

L'entreprise 2.0 : Besoin de sécurité ou d'éducation ? - 2 views

  • Le web 2.0 a permis l'avènement des usages collaboratifs, de la participation des utilisateurs au travers des sites publics. L’entreprise 2.0 utilise quant à elle les mêmes concepts, mais cette fois afin de mettre à la disposition de ses collaborateurs, clients ou partenaires d'affaire, des outils riches tels que les blogs, les wiki, ou même les réseaux sociaux.
  • Ces nouvelles pratiques amènent la SSI à se voir attribuer un rôle nouveau, où la communication et le "marketing de la sécurité" prennent une place plus importante. Le métier du RSSI change ainsi pour passer d'une position autarcique à un rôle de facilitateur du business, en permettant notamment une utilisation efficace et sûre de ces nouveaux outils.
  • L'efficacité, ici, consiste à éduquer l'utilisateur et l'aider à s'approprier les outils, bien sûr. Mais aussi être en mesure de contrôler ensuite l'utilisation qui en est faite.
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  • Cette éducation passe notamment par la sensibilisation des utilisateurs aux risques liés à la communication d'informations via le web 2.0, et à l'impact que la divulgation pourra avoir sur l'entreprise.
  • A noter que pour réussir dans sa mission, le RSSI se doit de maîtriser parfaitement ces outils afin d'aider les utilisateurs à comprendre comment et quand les utiliser. Le RSSI se doit en outre d'utiliser de tels outils afin de bien cerner les moyens de contrôle à sa disposition. A ce sujet, rappelons que le contrôle ne peut pas être seulement technique, mais qu'il devra aussi prendre en compte la dimension d'usage des outils (qu'est ce qui fait sens pour l'utilisateur, donc que peut-on/doit-on contrôler ?).
    Les nouveaux usages du web appliqué dans l'entreprise modifie profondément le rôle du rssi qui passe d'un rôle autarcique à un rôle de facilitateur et d'éducateur.
Christophe Deschamps

Portals and KM: Forrester on Enterprise 2.0 for KM Professionals - 1 views

  • Some of these tools can be cloud based but they also need to be business based.
  • They picked the same 11 technologies studied in the vendor report: blogs, forums, mashups, microblogs, podcasts, prediction markets, RSS, social bookmarks, social networks, widgets, and wikis
  • But microblogging will only become valuable to the enterprise once it truly integrates with other enterprise processes and applications, and only after a whole set of additional tools are added to help filter content and refine the value of aggregated information.
    • Christophe Deschamps
      Est-ce vraiment la solution? Est-ce que l'intérêt du micro-blogging n'est pas justement dans le fait de plugger ces solutions sur l'existant et d'attendre... Micro-blogging as usual.
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  • On the other hand, in talking with a few implementers, they have not yet seen the big wave of demand for enterprise 2.0 tools.
  • I think the preconditions for making microblogging useful will appear sooner than later
    Bill Ives revient sur un rapport de Forrester consacré aux technologies du web social pour l'entreprise qui s'adresse aux responsables KM et souligne les opportunités qu'ils peuvent en tirer.
Christophe Gauthier

Collaborative Thinking: 2009: Planning Considerations For Enterprise 2.0 - 0 views

  • Jive: Perhaps the most successful "mini suite" in the market right now and a good option for organizations that don't want to commit to SharePoint and have reservations about IBM.
  • Telligent: Telligent could be the "Jive of 2009" given its latest release (which rounds out the features), its integration with SharePoint, and alignment with a Microsoft environment overall.
    les tendances pour 2009 en logiciels socialmedia pour l'entreprise 2.0
Eric Delcroix

Guide marketing de Twitter | Marketing 2.0 - Le blog de l'agence You to You - 0 views

    La popularité de Twitter est exponentielle, et les marques semblent s'intéresser à ce nouvel eldorado. Voici donc le guide de l'utilisation marketing de Twitter
Yan Thoinet

Barclays s'essaie au marketing Web 2.0... avec succès - 0 views

  • Barclays s'essaie au marketing Web 2.0... avec succès
Yan Thoinet

Starbucks ajoute du 2.0 dans ses cafés /// Agence Marketing viral - Buzz mark... - 0 views

  • partager avec les autres les siennes, voter pour ses suggestions préférées et enfin discuter toutes les idées du site.
  • stratégie de reconquête de sa clientèle
Christophe Deschamps

SaaS market will 'collapse' in two years | Tech News on ZDNet - 0 views

  • People are stupid. History has shown it repeats itself, and people make the same mistakes.
    • Christophe Deschamps
      A l'ère de la participation voilà quelqu'un qui n'aime pas le politiquement correcte.
Nilesh Talaviya

The Best Practices for Development of Enterprise Mobile Apps - 0 views

    It was the Apple iPad that started the revolution of enterprise mobility. Once this tablet made it into the market, other similar tablets hit the marketplace with different operation systems.
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